Cardcaptor Sakura

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Layout + BG 7
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
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Added 3/3/2012
Sakura's first encounter with Mizuki sensei, the mysterious and beautiful substitute teacher/shrine maiden.
Mizuki sensei has an effect on Sakura that's very similar to that which Yukito has on Syaoran. Her magical power acts like a sort of pheromone that attracts other magic users, almost like a love-drug. Tomoyo would probably love to be able to bottle some of that essence and use it as a perfume!

This unfortunate sketch seems to have had a tough life, as it's in rather poor condition.

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    Previous: The Void Next: Sakura and her father 3    

Curator: Macron one
Gallery Created: 10/16/2009
Hits: 37279

Presentation 8.35/10   Collection 8.78/10   Overall 8.55/10   Votes 10 votes
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