Cardcaptor Sakura

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Sakura and Kero 1
Source: TV
Layers: 4
Sketches: 3
Cel Number: A1 END etc..
Standard size

Key Cel
End Cel
Original Matching Background

Added 1/27/2012
Fantastic cel from a funny moment from CCS: Sakura is annoyed to find out that Kero has made himself a cosy little room inside of her deskdrawer WITHOUT asking for permission first. Sakura then finds out that Kero also dumped out her things onto the floor to make room for this new appartment and becomes furious at him.

What really makes this cel shine is the contrast between Sakura and Kero's expressions. Kero looks so pleased with his newfound home, while Sakura looks like she could at any moment say Hoeeeeeee in disappointment.

This cel was one of my winter 2012 BWA purchases.

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Curator: Macron one
Gallery Created: 10/16/2009
Hits: 37279

Presentation 8.35/10   Collection 8.78/10   Overall 8.55/10   Votes 10 votes
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