Cardcaptor Sakura

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Syaoran + Meiling
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 2
Cel Number: A1 END
Standard size

Key Cel
End Cel
Original Matching Background

Added 10/21/2011
Paa Pa-Pa-Paa!
Paa Pa-Pa-Paa!

A very pretty "wedding" cel of Syaoran and Meiling, which i purchased during Mandarake's Fall 2011 Big web Auction.

Meiling has quite a lively imagination! During baking class at school, the class had the task of making a cake. When Syaoran wasn't sure what cake he should try making, Meiling immediately took the opportunity of suggesting a wedding cake. A perfect practice run for the inevitable wedding no doubt. Poor Meiling...

From episode 29, where The Sweet makes its appearance.

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Curator: Macron one
Gallery Created: 10/16/2009
Hits: 37279

Presentation 8.35/10   Collection 8.78/10   Overall 8.55/10   Votes 10 votes
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