Cardcaptor Sakura

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Yuuki's Portrait
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 2
Cel Number: A1 END
Standard size

Key Cel
End Cel
Original Matching Background

Added 5/6/2011
A very nice cel of Yuuki's portrait from episode 7 of Cardcaptor Sakura.

I really like this cel as it is not only pretty, but also an notable snapshot from the episode. This picture was Yuuki's sole motivation for breaking into the museum with a peeling knife, intending to peel away was she thought was painted over it. To Yuuki, the painting is a cherished memory of her father, who painted it for her shortly before he died. Little did Yuuki know that a Clow Card had taken a liking to it, and placed itself over the painting to protect it.

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Curator: Macron one
Gallery Created: 10/16/2009
Hits: 37279

Presentation 8.35/10   Collection 8.78/10   Overall 8.55/10   Votes 10 votes
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