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Yurika + Akito 2
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A11
Standard size

Original Matching Background

Added 8/9/2010
Yurika kissing Akito back when they were children. I've seen other cels from this sequence before in various Rubberslug galleries and had always wanted one myself. I was very lucky to get one with the original background (episode 25). The background is really nicely painted, which is something you can't see that well in the actual scene, because Yurika and Akito fill up most of the screen. I took a picture of the BG seperately, so you can see it properly.

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Curator: Macron one
Gallery Created: 10/16/2009
Hits: 37219

Presentation 8.35/10   Collection 8.78/10   Overall 8.55/10   Votes 10 votes
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